How a Young Man Can Find Success These Days

It doesn’t matter if you partied hard or studied hard during college or high school; the way to success afterwards is the same. You can define success by watching the way your parents lived or you can pick someone in particular and base your ideas on that person. Either way, and whether your intentionally thinking […]

A Real Man Lives His Dreams

– Feature Guest Post by Author Mel Jones – A real man lives his dreams. A real man follows his heart and constructs his deepest desires. A real man calculates the risks and weighs his options for the best possible life he could live based on the opportunities available, obstacles in his path, what he […]

10 Ways to Maintain Success as a Young Man

Guys, recently I have been working with and mentoring some younger men. Men who are recently out of High School and another who has been out for a good 5 years now. What I keep finding to be true, is that these guys were never taught or shown what it takes to be a successful […]

The Struggle Between Knowing and Doing

You know what you should do, but you never do it. How many times a day do you run into this type of deadlock? Don’t worry, me too… It can be so easy to put off what you can do today, until tomorrow. The process, as easy as it sounds, can be very frustrating. I […]