5 MORE Things Every Married Man Should Do Around Single Women

Just over a year ago, I was reading through the latest Men’s Health Magazine. In the process, I came across a page full of stats. Stats that were annoying, and disturbing. They were all about men and their inability to stay away from lust and hold off their eyes from looking at other women. Some […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Husband from Flirting With Another Woman

One of the biggest blessings to maintaining a site that encourages men to a stronger marriage is the site search terms. For those of you who are not familiar, search terms are the real terms or words people are typing into search engines and then provided with website options. In this case, there have been over […]

My Spouse Cheated, Now What?

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – It’s probably the worst fear within a relationship. What if my spouse meets someone else? For ladies, the fear is that her husband will give his heart to another woman, pouring into her his feelings and attention and time. For men, it’s more so the fear that […]

One Fight Doesn’t Have to Mean the End of Your Marriage

How many times have you been involved in a fight with your wife, left the situation un-resolved and felt like the easiest thing to do would be to end the marriage? Get where I am going? Here are a few of my typical thoughts I used to have immediately after a dispute with my wife: […]

Why Married Men Must Dump their Secret Crush

Oh, you don’t know who the secret crush is in your life? Well, maybe that’s because you have become too comfortable with looking forward to seeing the daycare girl, the grocery girl, the after work girl or even the Church girl. Still not following? Background… My buddy told me a story the other day about a […]

The Married Dead: When Divorce Looks Imminent

– This is a Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller –  There is an epidemic in this country and people are becoming walking zombies, the statistics are high.  Families are abandoned, homes destroyed, children left to try to pick up the pieces without one parent or the other. Men are walking away in droves and […]

stand up and LEAD!

“YOU DON’T HAVE A CHOICE!” These were my final words at the end of my plea to my buddy sitting reluctantly in front of me. When your conversations have to take place in a small cafe; your words are only allowed to get so loud. I raised my arms up and put my hands behind […]