How to Beat Down Pride in Your Marriage and Manhood

Ah, (insert grunt here), it’s good to be a man. Strong in stature when looking in the mirror. Dependable to those you often work around. Ready to respond to those in particular need. Firm when it comes to a handshake. Faithful when Church is in service. Hurtful and often unloving to those closest to you. […]

3 Ways Porn Steals from Your Marriage

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – John is a normal guy, a Christian, a business man and a good father who happens to struggle with a pornography addiction. Introduced to pornography at the young age of eleven, he just seems to always struggle with the pull of it. Growing up, getting through school, […]

5 MORE Things Every Married Man Should Do Around Single Women

Just over a year ago, I was reading through the latest Men’s Health Magazine. In the process, I came across a page full of stats. Stats that were annoying, and disturbing. They were all about men and their inability to stay away from lust and hold off their eyes from looking at other women. Some […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Husband from Flirting With Another Woman

One of the biggest blessings to maintaining a site that encourages men to a stronger marriage is the site search terms. For those of you who are not familiar, search terms are the real terms or words people are typing into search engines and then provided with website options. In this case, there have been over […]

6 Ways to Blow a Special Day

I’ve had my share fair share of good and bad Valentines days over the years. If we’re all being honest, I’m sure we all experienced the ups and downs of the messing up of special days. For my wife and I, no Valentines will ever beat our first one as a couple. Crazy for us […]

My Spouse Cheated, Now What?

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – It’s probably the worst fear within a relationship. What if my spouse meets someone else? For ladies, the fear is that her husband will give his heart to another woman, pouring into her his feelings and attention and time. For men, it’s more so the fear that […]

How a Husband Can Really Improve His Marriage in this New Year

What were the first thoughts you had when you read that title? Honestly! “My marriage is beyond improving.” “My marriage is going pretty good, why would I need to seek improvement.” “I want to know how, but I’m afraid of the steps that I need to take.”  “Your answer.” Let’s be real honest men, the […]

A Better Way to Handle Holiday Decorations and Traditions With Your Wife

As men go, I don’t think any of us are surprised by the fact its almost Christmas, but I do think we get surprised by the amount of chaos that comes along with it every year. For myself, it’s right around mid-November that my wife starts bringing up the need to get the decorations out […]

3 Facts to Help You Get past the Misery Stage of Marriage

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – “I made a mistake”.  “I shouldn’t have gotten married so young”.  “We seem to have grown apart”.  “That woman is Crazy!”  We have all heard these statements combined with feelings of disillusionment, aggravation, and anger, coupled with sexual frustration, emotional frustration and maybe even spiritual frustration, it […]

Why You Need to Man Up and Show Her Some Affection

It’s not uncommon to find couples that are dating to be holding hands, hugging or even just being close. I can remember many times walking down the Mall walkway and seeing young couples all over each other. Or even being out at dinner with my wife and seeing couples that are just having a little […]