The Conversation You Should Have Had With Your Spouse Last Year

A new year means new opportunities right?

Our culture may have you think so, but your heart still won’t allow it.

What am I talking about? I’m talking about that time your wife disrespected you back in July. I’m referring to the time you made fun of your wife in front of a group of friends. I’m talking about the fact that you only had sex a few times ALL last year!

My wife and I struggled in these areas earlier in our marriage and the weight of those broken moments would add up. Actually, there’s an entire chapter in my new book “The Marriage Advance” that talks all about how the little things in your marriage can have a huge impact on it! As time would pass and years would add up, the weight of not talking about specific issues would only weigh us down more and more.

What did we do?






Eventually we got so bad that I was at the point of either divorce or a major overhaul. Since I am a man of my word and I believe my vows meant something, I chose to work on our marriage. WE chose to work on our marriage and finally have the tough conversations.

If you’re tired of being tired in your marriage, take a stand together in this New Year and have some tough conversations. Be open to sharing your struggles about and with each other. Listen to each other and understand your spouse’s perspective.

You honestly don’t have to live with the weight and pain of last year or even previous years. Sounds like an infomercial, but it is possible.

And if you can have the first conversation, don’t stop there, agree with each other to meet at least every 1-3 months. Make a pro-active choice to focus on your marriage this year!

Ready to take action?

Pray for your marriage right now. Keep it brief and simple.

Text your spouse and tell them how much you love them.

Arrange for a date or special time to just meet and talk about your relationship, your goals and what kind of year you want to have.

This stuff sounds tough, but it really isn’t. IT’S YOUR SPOUSE!

Have the conversation and have a great year of marriage!

Can’t bring yourself to do it? Let’s discuss in the comments or share your thoughts here.