Archives for August 2014

3 Ways to Ensure Your Wife’s Respect

–  Feature Guest Post by Stephen Miller  – Every Human Being on the planet yearns for respect, but especially men.  For a man, respect is the lifeblood of our emotional stability, the air our heart breathes, the milk in our Wheaties, the gas in our combustible engines.  In other words, it’s what makes us go. […]

3 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong After the Wedding

After months of preparation the wedding finally arrives. You say “I Do” to your beautiful and wonderful wife and take off into the adventures of married life. As I wrote that first paragraph above, I started to question the word ‘preparation’. The word preparation typically means the coordination of wedding events, clothing, food and so […]

5 Weekly Options to Help you Mature in your Faith

Engaging in a daily activity is a great way to mature in your faith, but I believe Men of God can do more. I believe our faith requires us to do more. We need to take things up another notch… Are you with me? Be sure to challenge your daily walk in Christ first by […]

3 Passive Actions Men take in their Marriage

“The heart of a man needs to be engaged, it needs to feel like it belongs and is understood.” Husbands are losing in their marriage because they won’t communicate. Wives are losing their marriages, because they won’t let their husbands communicate. It’s a vicious cycle that is killing marriages everyday. It”s part of a cycle […]

5 Daily Options to Help you Mature in your Faith

Work, family and entertainment are the three things taking up the most time in the lives of men today. There is nothing wrong with these three things, in fact, they all have their place of necessity in a man’s life. What I continue to work on though are the ways to keep a man’s faith strong […]

The Number One Thing you have to do to Grow Spiritually

–  Feature Guest Post by Nathan R. Hale  – Some years ago I struggled mightily with the idea and execution of what is commonly talked about as my “personal devotions” or “quiet time.” It seemed boring, lifeless, and frustrating. It was hard to focus, and I almost dreaded opening up my Bible to read a chapter or […]